The Beach: From A Safe Social Distance


Jen and I hadn’t planned a typical Hashtag Jetlag trip for ourselves this year. I was supposed to get married in May and return to France for a honeymoon in June with a jaunt through the Loire Valley, a visit to Basque Country, and of course, a few days in Paris. Jen was supposed to go on honeymoon part 2, an African safari!

None of this happened of course. Occasionally, I’d find myself thinking, “Shit, if I had known Scott and I weren’t going to end up getting married and going on our honeymoon, I could have planned an HTJL trip with Jen,” only to remember that the same reasons my wedding and honeymoon were postponed are the same reasons we wouldn’t be able to do an HTJL trip either. In fact, even if both of us felt comfortable getting on a plane right now (we don’t), most of the world won’t have us filthy, disease-ridden Americans!


Truly fuck everything.


Earlier in the summer, however, Jen and Mike were devoid of a functioning air conditioner and decided to head down to the site of MICA camps past, Leslie and Gary’s Rehoboth beach house. I was lucky enough to join them. Was it a typical vacation? No. We basically just moved the whole quarantine situation from our respective homes to the beach house — carryout, no indoor dining, lots of really shitty Netflix offerings, mask wearing on the regular, and glaring at others who were acting irresponsibly as us liberal elites are wont to do.

Did I see a guy argue with a poor schmuck bartender about wearing his mask for 5 seconds? Yes. Did I see teenagers acting like we’re not in a pandemic? You betcha. But overall, people seemed to be cooperating pretty well.

Soon we’ll reunite to send off Summer 2020 the same way. Get your summer vibes on with us one last time with Jen’s beautiful photos from our earlier trip!



NYC: Socially Distant Bike Rides Part 1 - Brooklyn Bridge Park


The Playlist: Summers Past