The Playlist: Podcasts 2021


As work commutes and summer travel heat back up, I’m getting ready with some (new to me) podcasts!

If you’re in need of a podcast refresher, look no further…

Watch What Crappens

If you’re anything like me then you love anything and everything Bravo. It’s my go-to when I’m feeling any sort of way. Literally. Happy, sad, angry, confused, gassy…all of the above. I love Ben and Ronnie’s takes on the messy people that bring me joy. They also do excellent impressions.

In God We Lust

If you’re not familiar with the Jerry Falwell Jr. / Liberty University sex scandal then you’re definitely in for a treat. It’s entirely unsurprising that a Trump-loving, conservative evangelical got caught in a sex scandal involving a pool boy that ended up revealing his hypocritical nature, but it’s still an entertaining (if enraging) listen.

The Turning

Speaking of people who you secretly knew were awful… this podcast about how Mother Teresa wasn’t the saint she’s said to be and in fact ran a harmful cult is *chef’s kiss*.

Not Past It

Are you interested in history that directly relates to you now? Then this is definitely for you. The episode about the AIDS vaccine (and why we still don’t have one) taught me that there’s a chickenpox vax that I missed by a few years! Apparently it came out in 1995. I still bear the scars of that awful, itchy week.

The Bravo Docket

Pretty much all of the housewives on Bravo are being sued or are suing someone else. That’s where Cesie and Angela come in -- they are obsessed Bravo fan girls (like myself) who also happen to be bad ass lawyers. They walk listeners through some of the more famous cases like Jen Shah’s fraud and arrest, the Erika Jayne divorce and scam, and the woman who married her own grandfather to get rich. It’s fascinating. Thanks for the rec, Cat!



The Menu: Savannah + Tybee Island


The Packing List: Savannah + Tybee Island