NYC: Samsung Experience Store


In honor of the new Samsung Galaxy 8 (no, this is not a sponsored post, but if you're reading this Samsung, call us!) I thought I'd review our trip to the (relatively) new Samsung Experience Store in NYC.

During Staci's visit a couple weeks ago for the NYC Half, we had some time to kill before our tickets to the Whitney. Since we were in the Meatpacking District without thousands of dollars to blow on a designer gown or a desire to day drink in the Standard Biergarten, we headed to 837 Washington, otherwise known as the Samsung Experience Store. With little expectations, we headed inside and were pleasantly surprised. Firstly, because there were no crowds and secondly, because it was freakin' awesome!

Though some of the "experiences" were down for maintenance, we got to try out a bunch of new tech that Samsung has to offer. First up was an intro to virtual reality that was much like Disney's Soarin. I loved it. Then came a VR boat race with strangers and something called a 360 selfie. The space also hosts lectures and concerts, but all we saw music-wise was a lone DJ in a booth jamming out. Upstairs they have a beautiful lounge area and a Smorgasburg, which would have been perfect had we not pigged out so spectacularly earlier that day.

If you have time to kill in Manhattan one day or are just looking to try out some fun new tech, head over to 837 Washington!



Baltimore: Light City 2017, Round 1


The Menu: Food Halls