The Playlist: Run It Out

If you're like me and the state of the world is getting you down, you could probably use a good outlet for your rage/fear/anxiety. As it happens, I have found rage to be quite conducive to running. I sincerely thank one Mr. Donald Trump for fueling me with enough anger to set personal bests as I train for the NYC Half Marathon. 

There's nothing like simmering over an inane Tweetstorm written by someone whose brain is tinged with the toxins of bad spray tan while listening to a thumping bass to get you through 9 miles.

You might hate running as much as you hate Donald Trump. I certainly used to. But as I've noted here before, it's a pretty portable activity for working out when you're traveling. And now more than ever, you can call it a self-care tool.

So! I'm sharing my 2017 training playlist with you. May your feet be fast and your D be easy.



The Packing List: Deep Creek Lake


The Menu: Valentine's in NYC